
Who We Are

A Better Life Media was founded in 2018, when three Emmy-nominated producers whose careers were defined by impactful storytelling took a look around the TV landscape and realized that something was missing. They were compelled to create work that embodied positivity—that captured life's complexity, hardships, and triumphs, and inspired viewers to take on each day with purpose, humor and hope.


What We Do

We bring together our combined six decades of experience to source, shape, and deliver the media we want to see. With incisive vision, a collaborative spirit, frequent laughter, and deep empathy, we craft perspective shifting storytelling that compels viewers. Our content is not limited by platform, format, or genre, and it expands traditional boundaries. We think about making work that doesn’t just make you feel better—it empowers you to live better.

The Team


Holly Mirabella

CEO & Founder

As the founding member of A Better Life Media, Holly developed the idea for the company out of her personal desire to see more inspiring, uplifting, and resonant content. Her resilience and tenacity have contributed to her triumphs in both her personal life and her producing career.

Holly, who started her career as a production assistant at NBCUniversal's hit daytime syndicated talk show Maury, has over 20 years of experience conceptualizing, executing, and fine-tuning impactful stories. She has produced over four hundred episodes of television as a Senior Producer. She led the production of several standout episodes, including a personal favorite: a powerful episode on the impact of bullying that earned Maury a Daytime Emmy nomination for Outstanding Talk Show in 2017. Through the course of her career, she has collaborated with many high-profile television and film personalities and worked on the development of several pilots.

Holly is a graduate of SUNY Oneonta, and lives in Connecticut with her daughter.


Christine Ponzi

Co-Founder & Executive Producer

A skilled storyteller and expert researcher with an appreciation for the educational value of media, Christine brings a people-focused sensibility to her work as a producer. She is committed to creating content that is authentic to individual stories, and that has the power to not only inform, but transform. 

After starting out her media career at MTV, Christine joined Maury as an associate producer in 2003. She made quick work of rising through the ranks, ultimately leading a team in developing powerful episodes on a wide range of subjects as a Senior Producer. Over 17 years on the team, Christine has produced hundreds of hours of programming, notably working on an episode that garnered a Daytime Emmy nomination. A versatile creative executive, she has also developed multiple successful television pilots. 

A graduate of Brooklyn’s St. Francis College, Christine lives in New Jersey.


Todd Kemmer

Co-Founder & Executive Producer

A wellspring of ideas with a commitment to championing positivity, Todd helps to energize the creative pulse of the A Better Life Media team. An industry veteran who has worked in multiple elements of the production process, he believes that compassion and empathy underscore the most transformative content. 

With over 20 years of experience in media, he’s crafted the pacing and dramatic arcs of thousands of episodes of television. He was an integral part of the team that earned Maury a Daytime Emmy nomination in 2017, and as a creative executive, Todd has also worked on the development of several television pilots. 

Todd is a graduate of Brooklyn College, and lives in Connecticut with his wife and two children.